Tuesday 6 July 2010

the midi canal

next we spent 3 days on the midi canal, after our first experiences of the towpath, bumpiness, gravel, jarring... it acutally turned out to be some of the nicest biking yet. shady trees, vineyards, huge boats full of bikini clad australians, massive machine operated lochs, way deeper than in england and flat! after a week or so of up and down to get to agen, flat was very welcome. hot, very extremely hot but we were getting into pool country and often our campgrounds now have pools or cold showers. it seems every day is at least 32 and it stays hot well into the night. we sleep with the doors open on our tent to try and get some airflow.
anyway, we rode the canal to the sea on a variety of towpath qualites from sealed to jungle mountain biking. got to the coast and camping a short walk away and swum in the medditeranian. great to get to the coast, a major milestone of the trip

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