Thursday 22 July 2010


i had expected marseille to be a different place to the one we encountered. We biked 10 ks through the urban sprawl before reaching the centre. pretty much the most stressful biking ever. a woman who turned out to be a fellow cycle tourist talked to us from her car at an intersection and told us that biking in marseille was terrifying. not too far wrong. It was the most multi cultural place i've visited, lots of africans, arabs and had quite a latino feel too. very full on busy loud place after nice tranquil countryside. we walked around quite overwelmed for a bit before we decided to take a boat to chateau d'if the prison that featured in the novel the count of monte cristo. then over to a nearby island where we skinny dipped in the sea and got the city out of our system. stayed a night in a hotel and left the next morning
was a good experience but not one i'd repeat

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